How to setup the account with app “iptv smarter pro”?
1. How to setup the account with app “iptv smarter pro”?
First Line: input any string which you like
Second Line: input the account username which we sent to you,Case Sensitive
Third Line: input the account password which we sent to you,Case Sensitive
Fourth Line: input the server domain and port
Please note: if your iptv smarter pro is running on a smart tv(samsung ,LG), you must get speical domain/dns from us, else it will not work, it will show “Authentication failed”.
New news:
About IPTV Smarter Pro For (LG,Samsung) Smart TV Version, we will update the domain at this site:
if your iptv smarter pro is running on android/ios/macos, no need speicial domain/dns;
If it doesn't work after changing the domain name, please use another APP.
IPTV Purchase Link: