How to setup the account with app “iptv smarter pro”?


1. How to setup the account with app “iptv smarter pro”?

IPTV Smarter Pro 3.0
Código abreviador para la aplicación de descarga:338392

First Line: input any string which you like


Second Line: input the account username which we sent to you,Case Sensitive


Third Line: input the account password which we sent to you,Case Sensitive


Fourth Line: input the server domain and port



Please note: if your iptv smarter pro is running on a smart tv(samsung ,LG), you must get speical domain/dns from us, else it will not work, it will show “Authentication failed”.

New news:
About IPTV Smarter Pro For (LG,Samsung) Smart TV Version, we will update the domain at this site:

if your iptv smarter pro is running on android/ios/macos, no need speicial domain/dns;
If it doesn't work after changing the domain name, please use another APP.

  IPTV Purchase Link: